grahan karane ka dhang example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. A more clearly specified distribution intervened when the shinden residence brought back to a single pavilion, with assignment of the northern part of the stay and the southern part in the reception 2. Almost unknown, so ignorant of the complexities of the Roman Curia, he enjoyed a favorable reception for his jovial bonhomie and simplicity paternal when he died suddenly on September 28, after thirty-three days of pontificate 3. Companies choose the reagents and performs a centralized distribution and reception of data 4. High prices, defective equipment, inadequate reception and beach pollution explain this phenomenon 5. Ignoring the reluctance of extremists opposed to the reception of foreign medical and technical teams, Iranian authorities finally accept Western aid

Given are the examples of hindi word grahan karane ka dhang usage in english sentences. The examples of grahan karane ka dhang are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., reception.

Hearing is a biological activity that involves reception of a message through sensory channels.

The initial step in the listening process is the reception of a stimulus or message.
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